Sunday, 11 May 2008

Never enough time

The weather has been incredibly hot this weekend, far too hot for working at the lottie, so all things considered I didn't do too badly with my list:

I managed to weed the broadbeans (x2 beds), the rye bed and the onion bed. I also mnaged to plant out 9 cauliflowers from the greenhouse, they went into shock yesterday, but look to be coming around today - I watered them with seaweed as a little treat. I've also planted some more beans to fill the gaps. In this picture you can see the broadbeans with cauliflowers, then garlic with some more cauliflowers and then the rye bed at the back:

cauliflowers copy

I've potted on the melons, courgettes and squash. The courgettes look so good and its been so hot, I've decided to leave them out overnight:

courgettes copy

Unfortunately I've had a couple of disasters too - my very expensive cucumbers have keeled over, I think with the heat, although I've never had much success with them - they are Bella and for just over £4.00 I got 4 seeds, so I'm not very pleased. I also appear to have cooked my beans - nearly all of them ! Again I think they have been way too hot under the propergator. I've resown Borlotti and will do the others one evening this week. I'm also wondering whether John Innes seed compost is not the right compost for them.

OH has set up my bean poles (just in case I do get any to germinate LOL). I'm putting two rows into one bed this season, as I think I was a little generous with my spacing last year.

bean poles copy

My homemade compost is germinating quite a few things, most of which I don't recognise, but I did find 4 sunflowers making a break for it, so I've potted them up.

sunflower copy

Here is one of my peppers, they are usually quite slow to grow so hopefully the sunshine will get them going:

gypsy copy

The crabapple's delicate pink blossom looks lovely .. it is just starting to go over. The tree is from Lidls and was quite small, I will be very pleased if I get a crop this year

crabappleblossom copy

We made a start on the fleece barrier for the carrot bath, but unfortunately had some technical issues with the stapler (erm, namely running out of staples), so I'll need to finish it one night this week.

carrotbathfleece copy

I thought it would only take a couple of hours to dig over the bottom of the lottie, but with the heat of the sun and the sheer profusion of weeds its taking much longer:

oh dear copy

I'm sure there has been a danelion explosion this year ... my plot was covered in their cheerful yellow faces a couple of days ago and now I've got feathery little seeds floating all about ...

dandelion clocks copy

Here is the 'all you can eat buffet', I didn't get around to turning it yet. No sign of the little vole family, much to OH's disappointment:

allyoucaneatbuffet copy


  1. I'm finding the dandelions are out in force this year as well, and the same goes for the snails.

  2. Yep, dandelions and snails here, too. Bad luck with the cucumbers.
