Tuesday, 26 June 2007

I ate my first raspberry at the weekend - it was slightly confusing though, as it is an Autumn variety ! I offered it to OH, but he declined it - I think he thought it looked a bit ratty, but I can confirm it was very tasty.

first raspberry copy

I'm really pleased with the greenhouse, the peppers and tomatoes are looking really healthy. I can't imagine the lottie without it now.

greenhouse copy

I've got four crystal lemon cucumbers growing in the brick greenhouse:

crystal apple cucumber copy

They didn't grow for ages when I planted them up, so I'm relieved that they've finally got going. I need to try and remember to give them some tomato feed I think at the w/e.

Here is one of my 'ball' courgettes - they have all started to produce fruit, so I can tell which are yellow, dark green and light green. Next door have promised to take some plants.

courgette copy

Here are my spring planted onions. They are looking a little bedraggled now with all of the rain we've been having lately. I am a little concerned that they might start to rot soon as it is so wet.

onions copy

They look so much healthier, stronger and bigger than the winter planted Japanese onions though, which I finally pulled at the weekend. They are pathetically small - my neighbour thinks they had a virus of some sort, as they had brown marks on the leaves.

One of my lesser spotted parsnips:
Parsnip copy

1 comment:

  1. Hiya, your greenhouse is looking fab! Think I have missed out for this year... come 2008 I'll be giving you a run for your money though! :)
