In my defence I have been very distracted with other disasters - I finally chose a new car to replace my written-off one, only to find that the paintwork was damaged when I picked it up. Of course we bought the car from a garage in Stockton, which is an hour and a half from us, so we had the hassle of dealing with the local dealer to get the damage sorted out, but its all fixed now and I really like my car - not so sure it should be used for the lottie run tho'. The rubbish hire car has finally gone back - the hire costs alone must total more than the repairs would have been for my old car, as I've had it for nearly 5 months ... but I'm over it now.
The builders, who said that the job would only take 3.5 weeks have still not finished. It is so unfunny, I can barely speak about it. We went for three weeks without hot water or heating during the really cold snap, when it snowed. For a couple of days during that time we also didn't have a roof on the kitchen - I can't describe how cold we have been. Everything is upside down and covered in thick dust. Its pretty grim. At least the plumber and electrician have finished, so we appear to be on the home stretch - if we can just get them to come back - they've gone off to another job. Its very frutrating and as nice as the house will be when it is done, I'm not sure I want to do it again.
A happier distraction is our new arrival - Ianto

Ianto is a Welsh name and apparently it is short for John (make of that what you will). It is prononced 'ee-an-toe'. He is absolutely gorgeous and we are totally smitten - his eyes are bluey-green, they are like saucers.


He is supposed to be eight years old, but he is very kittenish - his favourite things are chasing his tail and eating food. He is also a very chatty cat and makes funny little churruping and cooing noises - just like a pigeon.
So how come you got a cat I hear you ask ! Well, of course there is always a funny story ... I actually started the conversation by saying shall we get a little dog and before you know it, I'd been duped into not one, but two cats and no dog. I'm still reeling a little. Apparently when we move I'll be getting a dog ... but at this rate, I may well have died before the builders even finish this house. So that was number one cat, who moved in this week, here is number two cat, who is actually a 6 week old kitten - she'll be moving in at the end of April hopefully.
Here she is at 4 weeks:

no name yet, we have shortlisted 'Kia' and 'Drift' so far ...

with mum:

pretty cute huh.
and even now as I am typing, thinking maybe I'll go the lottie after all and see what is happening, it has started to pour down with rain. Ah well, I like visiting garden centres ...
Don't feel guilty, I visited the garden centre yesterday as my seedlings are still slow to emerge in the seed trays and bought some cabbage, brussel sprouts and cauliflower plants to put in one of the beds. It really makes a difference to see some greenary in the bare earth, and I'm just going to say it's successional planting!
ReplyDeleteLovely afternoon yesterday on the plot but has poured all night & outlook is for a wet weekend, so I reckon I was lucky getting the plants in yesterday afternoon.