Sunday, 22 August 2010

what a smashing day !

finally it was D-day for the brick greenhouse ! My allotment site was recently awarded two grants for the provision of skips so with this in mind it seemed the perfect time for Demolition mayhem.

2010-08-21   Clearing old Greenhouse  001

We spent yesterday emptying it - no mean feat !

2010-08-21   Clearing old Greenhouse  006

2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  001-500px

2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  012-500px

and then today the demolition began in ernst. It didn't take much persuasion for the roof to come down.

2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  029-500px

the local inhabitants were a little reluctant to leave ...

2010-08-21   Spiders  042-500px

2010-08-21   Spiders  050-500px

the brickwork although not in the best condition is still pretty solid.

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2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  120-500px

2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  148-500px

We took a car load of rubbish to the tip and have another lovely pile waiting for the next skip on site (isn't it funny the things you get excited about).

2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  165-500px

You wouldn't believe the size of the bonfire we'll be having at some stage though !

2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  157-500px

Still lots to do. No idea yet what we'll do with all those bricks - or where we'll put them ! God they are heavy.

2010-08-22   Demolishing old Greenhouse  156-500px

It finally stopped raining in Sheffield ... hurrah ! I took the opportunity to have a good look round the plot.

My carrots and beetroots are loving the rain - they are big and beautiful ! My beans are also loving the rain. Courgettes are good, however, I think my squashes would like a little more sun, but they are OK for now - well apart from my lovely turks turban looks to have rotted in all the rain and the slugs have moved in - grrr. My cauliflowers have been ruined by the rain - so far my cabbages and broccoli look OK.

2010-08-21   Allotment produce  001-500px

In the greenouse, my tomatoes are lovely - the plants I would say are my best ever, although they are not as tall as they are usually. Lots of tomatoes though - yum. I think my early watering strategy and then the magic chicken poo has worked wonders. My melon died tho - I wonder why ... and I only have one pathetic sized pepper - although in fairness it did go in very late. My lovely chillies that I bought from the plant sale have been eaten along with my marigolds. Still - got nice tomatoes :)

2010-08-21   Allotment produce  007-500px

The birds look to have beaten me to the blueberries - there were about half left ... just enough for Blueberry icecream !

The blackberries are lovely - time for the ever gorgeous blackberry and almond meringue cake.

2010-08-22   Blacberry meringue sponge  041-500px

2010-08-22   Blacberry meringue sponge  042-500px

another butterfly


yes, this is stupid cat no. 3 stuck up a tree. Stupid cat no. 2 got stuck on the kitchen roof last night. Stupid cat no. 1 looks pretty bright in comparison

2010-08-22   Kinder stuck in tree  009


  1. Wow, you've been busy, demolishing, harvesting, baking...

    (I'm busy collecting bricks from skips to make raised beds - So send some this way)

  2. hi Mal- I'll stick some stamps on them and send them your way ;-)

  3. Just came across your blog from someone's bloglist - you've certainly been busy

  4. Remind me to keep out of your way when you have a sledgehammer in your hand!!

    That's tremendous progress you've made but clearing it all up afterwards is absolutely the worst bit of the job

  5. Nice sledgehammer ;>) Is this where the 'new' greenhouse is going?

  6. GLA - you are 'just' down the road from me :)

    I'm very pleased with my new sledgehammer ... I will be on the look out for other opportunities :)

    Rob - yes, that's where the greenhouse that we dismantled will go - am still hopeful that it'll be up and running for November. Well a girl can hope :D

  7. Excellent progress - wish we were closer, we'd have those bricks for a brick path on plot 103! Love the look of that meringue - I've been baking apple and blackberry sponge pudding, which tastes great but doesn't look nearly as posh as your baking

  8. excellent work! my students say that they think they will miss the old thing, tho--picturesque and all that. will be interested to hear how the difference is in heating-cooling between the old brick and the new....

  9. well Doc it had so many gaps & holes and was too dark outside of summer so it wasn't really much use for seed germination or growing. I'm thinking once my new greenhouse is up that'll I'll also set up one of those mini-plastic greenhouses inside for seed germination. I've also got three parafin heaters that I'll probably use this spring ... IF of course I can get it up in time. Looks like a bomb site at the moment :(

  10. Yay for some sunshine in SHeffield!!

    I love the shape of your plum tomatoes. I'm a little jealous.

    Surely the blackberry and almond meringue cake is illegal - the photos are too much! We are going blackberry-ing soon - can't wait. My little lad loves them - baby sized snacks. And they make a lovely blackberry moustache.

    Looking forward to seeing the creation of the new greenhouse
