Thursday, 9 August 2012

Garlic time !!

sadly not for harvesting, but planting ! 

Popped out to a food festival during my lunchtime and fell across a Garlic Farm stall selling various garlicky items including 'seed garlic'.  Yippee.  So I bought two bulbs - confusingly though the man on the stall said that the variety is 'Isle of Wight' ... but there isn't an 'Isle of Wight' variety right ?  I think I'll go back tomorrow and quiz him again !!  It was a white variety, so I'll have to keep my eye open for a purple variety.  Planning to plant it September / October :)


  1. Lots of the garlics come from the Isle of Wight garlic farm but aren't just called that they are all something Wight

  2. I was just about to say what Sue just said!!
    The Isle of Wight garlic farm is a great visit and does grow fantastic garlic, so I'd get some more if I were you! :-)

  3. well they didn't have many yesterday and today the queue was too long for me to wait during my lunchbreak - but I've got two lovely bulbs and if I can get a purple one from somewhere else then I think I'll be a happy bunny :) I appear to have missed the all important information that it was indeed THE garlic farm from IofW ... not just a garlic farm !!! It's all in the detail haha. Cost me £1 each ... maybe I should have bought out his whole stock on reflection ...
