Hurray I think, dashing into the brick greenhouse and emerging gleefully clutching my spade and rushing to the bottom of the plot to commence digging - only to find that the ground is FROZEN SOLID ... words failed me as I moped around balefully kicking leaves back onto the beds.

My broadbeans took ages to finally germinate, but I was pleased to see that they had all emerged - however, on closer inspection several of the young shoots have been trimmed at ground level and have a suspicious round hole (2-3" deep) next to them. At first I thought maybe a fox had walked across the bed, but the holes are only where the plants have been and they are very uniform in shape - seems like my little vole family may be the culprits.

My bed of garlic is looking really healthy and strong - the leaves are around 2" high now.

An hour later with feet and hands freezing I had to admit defeat and rush back to the warmth of the house.
Popping back up today to lift some leeks and parsnips and cut some herbs.

Will need to remember to put a marker on the parsnips as I noticed yesterday that the foliage has all but disappeared now.
Happy Christmas and best wishes for 2007.
Leeks are lookign really good Michelle!
ReplyDeleteI had the same trouble with my beans last year...
Plant some more in pots now, protect them against mice, and they'll catch up in no time.