Tuesday 9 January 2007

Not quite the full monty

Gawd it can rain in England. I managed to do a few of my jobs in between showers:

- Take Tin Bath to plot (still needs drainage holes)
- Take Bay Tree to plot (still needs repotting)
- Clear area next to compost heap for manure
- Move manure to newly created area (sifting out bindweed as I go)
- Knock pallets apart to make proper compost bin
- Christen incinerator (stuff is just too darn wet to burn .. patience, patience .. )
- Check for daffodils

The compost area looks great - now. Had to empty out the compost, and then dig out the bindweed and some wierd weed with enormous tap roots (has a really large round leaf and lilac-ish flowers, currently in flower). It took ages. I've used a really heavy door for the rear of the area - that should keep out Ken's weeds and brambles and then used pallets for the dividers. Unfortunately a couple were just too rubbish to use, so Nick next door has promised to get me some more.

and then, I mean just how great is life at the allotment, I spent hours sifting the manure by hand to get rid of more bindweed. I never in my life thought that I would inspect a load of old poo so closely. By the time we were rained off the area had turned into a quagmire. The manure area looks as if it needs to be doubled in size looking at the pile that I've still got to shift. Once it dries up a bit I'll have another go.

While moving the compost heap, I came across a little mouse / vole nest - it has been beautifully made out of my best red string ! The nest was empty - but maybe the owners are responsible for my disappearing beans. This is what remains.

Also managed to sow some sweetpeas

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