Friday 18 July 2008

On a break

I've bitten the bullet and taken a couple of days off work to start on the decorating. Preparation is sooooooo boring. Today I've (almost) sized the walls and ceiling in the kitchen. Realised that the radiator is still on the dratted wall (its beyond me to remove, even if I knew how to drain it, its huge and there is no way I can lift it), so that wall will have to wait until OH is back. Still have the living room wall and ceiling to do. Yawn. Kitties have been helping and now we are taking a break !

Here is Ianto, the hair on his neck is starting to grow again. He is much better after having his teeth extracted and has started to sit with his tongue sticking out, which I think must help reduce the pressure on his top lip, as the sore spots are slowly healing

Catwink copy

Ianto1 copy

Don't be fooled by the kitten's sweet appearance, he is the spawn of the devil. I told him so at 4.30am this morning when he decided to attack everything in the bedroom.

Loki2 copy

He is growing like mad and is almost as big as Ianto now. When he was weighed a couple of weeks ago by the vet he is already just over 2.5kg. We nearly fainted when we looked at the wall chart and saw that his 'starting weight' is 6kg, vs Ianto (normal moggie) of 4kg. His tail has grown and really bushed out.

Loki4 copy

He is extremely cute and sweet though

Trouble copy

butter wouldn't melt !

Loki3 copy

Loki1 copy

Oh well, back to it I guess ... I just love the fragrance of wet plaster, don't you. Maybe more allotment news tomorrow.

break no. 2 !! :-)
Ianto&Loki copy

Loki7 copy

Ianto4 copy


  1. What wonderful photographs. I almost forgive cats for digging up my newly planted beetroot seedlings... almost!

  2. I love your pictures of your cats. Your life sounds just like mine at the mo, either go to work, go to the allotment or get on with the decorating! Never a minute for anything else! Like you I cant keep up with the produce from the allotment,theres only so many cooked meals in a week, and the rest is given away, frozen or gone in the compost. Any way cant stop got to go back to work! TC Karen

  3. MC55 - do you not know that decorating is a winter pass time - when its too dark on an evening to go to the lottie! :)
