Tuesday, 6 April 2010

Easter Progress

Well that's the left side of the lottie completely dug over now :) The foxes are having a great time dancing and digging up the freshly turned soil.


I've now got 10 clear / working beds and the strawberry beds are a bit tidier too. I've got red onions in the top (brick bed) and garlic in the third bed - I only planted it on a whim last week ... I went to use some and it was growing, so I thought I'd chance it. Not expecting great things but hopefully I'll be rewarded with something in the summer.


Fortunately the recent snow didn't make it to the lottie and despite how cold it's been, things are really starting to get going again. My comfrey is looking very healthy ... I'll have to make some soup soon :)


This is my blackcurrant ... I don't think I can use the term bush yet, it's still a bit of a twig ! Not had any fruit off it ... yet


The indoor strawberries are looking very healthy and I'm sure I can see the beginning of flowers arriving


The outdoor ones are waking up too:


Something strange is happening to my rhubarb ... I have one green plant:


... and one purple plant !!! The third one is a mixture of both. Not enough to crop yet - it's very slow.


In the greenhouse my seedlings are growing nicely - apologies for the lack of focusing ... I had to borrow OH's camera and it's a bit beyond me :)

These are my Roma Tomatoes:


Here are my musselbrough leeks - first time I've grown my own from seed - they're so easy, not sure why I've not tried them before !


These are my Swiss Chard - one set are yellow and the other are red ... already they're very striking (well in the flesh they are)


These little fella's are my cauliflowers


and here are my red cabbage. A job for this week should be to make a pigeon proof cage ... must try and remember !

red cabbage

This may be the last time I see my lupin if last season is anything to go by. Hope it flowers this year.


I'm growing these on for a friend at work, lavender always looks lovely in terracotta pots


These giant sunflowers (well they might be eventually haha) are for the plant sale.


The daffodils are in full flower and the Forget-me-nots have just started to flower


OH took a photo of this wasp a few weeks ago, which appeared to have died in a terracotta plant pot, but when I looked today it had moved ! I thought maybe my eyes were deceiving me, so I blew on it - eek ... it's little tentacle thingies started twitching, then it woke up and started buzzing around - he's huge !!! Fortunately I remembered to open the door so he could fly out ... hope he finds something to eat.


Here's what's still to do. Shouldn't take me too long to dig over the four beds at the top of the lottie


... but oh my, I'm really not very enthusiastic about getting on with this end ! It'll be the third time I've dug over the area next to the pond.


I can't decide whether I have the energy to shift a tonne of manure so haven't arranged any yet .. but maybe I should just have it delivered then I'll have to find the energy ... I need to plant my potatoes PDQ, hmmm, I can hear some of you saying - wasn't she just digging some up last week. Ahem.


  1. You have been busy! Well done.

  2. Didn't you do well!

    (Whatever you do remember the pigeon proof cage before planting out those brassicas)

  3. So is that the 'new' greenhouse that's in the pictures? Looks like you're as disorganised as me this year!

  4. new greenhouse is still piled up ... taking down the brick g/h is this summers job ... :(

  5. That looks really good; well done, you.

    I've just had a greenhouse delivered (Yippee!!) but will be a bit slow in putting it up on account of being in Oregon at the moment!!

  6. you got loads done, good work!
