Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Day 5 ...

err, have worn myself out, so had a day off today - what delights have I done instead ? a day out somewhere nice, eating icecreams on a river bank, a days pampering having my nails manicured, a day spent relaxing with lots of Michelle time ... err, no .. I've been cleaning and washing all day !!! I'm off to the lottie tomorrow for a rest.

According to the weather forecast it should have rained today (is the BBC weather ever right?) but at least the weather man on the news last night stated that we will not have any frost this week. Hang on, didn't Michael Fish once say ...

I've been catching up on lots of blogs today and an idea for growing carrots in old compost bags caught my eye. The bags will be moveable and should be easy to protect from carrot fly. Its helped me to decide to empty the carrot bath, which has been a dismal failure to date. Hmm, what to do with the bath once its empty ..

Something is nibbling me ! I have my suspicious eyes on the kitties and suspect that they'll be enjoying a bath of their own very soon before being defleaed once again :) Yesterday, the naughty kitten, Loki (who is very much a grown cat now) escaped and was missing for over half an hour ... after a frantic search, he was found cowering in one of the genels (or alleyways for those less northern) from the noise of the constantly circling helicopter and roar of the crowd from the Sheffield United ground. He is currently snoozing on the sofa, looking very sweet :)


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